Tornadoes demand at least 13 lives in American States Missouri and Arkansas, nearly 300,000 people are without electricity

In the American States Missouri and Arkansas, at least thirteen people died due to heavy storm weather. Almost 300,000 people are also in five states: In addition to Missouri and Arkansas, it is about Illinois, Indiana and Texas.

News channel ABC reports that ten people died in the state of Missouri and another three in Arkansas. According to the emergency services, at least 29 were also injured in Arkansas.

Millions of Americans throughout the country have been warned of extreme weather. A torna alarm has been announced in eight states (Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio). Furthermore, the authorities warn of gusts of wind up to 120 km/h and severe hailstorms.

The Governor of Missouri has warned of even more serious weather. The most dangerous tornados are expected on Saturday from the late morning to the early afternoon (local time) in Louisiana and Mississippi. Later in the day the tornadoes are expected to spread to Alabama, Florida and Georgia.

By Editor

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