9 ways to enjoy good coffee

Coffee is beneficial for health if you drink moderately, roast lightly, avoid too much sugar and artificial cream, pay attention to how to mix.

Coffee helps you enhance energy and concentration. When consumed moderately, coffee containing antioxidants can reduce the risk of a number of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson and some cancers. However, not all types of coffee are the same. Some coffee are high in sugar, while others are high in saturated fat. Learning how to make healthy coffee can help you maximize its benefits.

Choose light roasted coffee

Choosing light roasted coffee is a simple way to drink coffee good for health. Roasting is related to the heating of coffee beans at high temperatures, causing chemical changes to develop their flavor, color and smell. High temperatures can also affect nutritional content.

The light roasting process helps coffee beans retain many healthy properties. Light roasted coffee often contains many antioxidants, helping to protect cells from damage. Antioxidants also help fight inflammation – the cause can contribute to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Many light roasted coffee contains low acrylamide, a compound formed during roasting can be harmful when consumed in large quantities.

Choose organic coffee beans

A healthy cup of coffee begins with the type of coffee beans used. Coffee is grown worldwide, research shows that different nuts contain different compounds. These compounds bring many different health benefits.

When possible, choose organic coffee beans. They are grown without chemicals or toxic pesticides, retaining more health enhancement properties. Studies show that regular coffee has a higher caffeine content, but organic coffee contains more antioxidants.

Coffee beans can also affect the taste of coffee. Choosing high quality coffee beans can bring your cup of coffee with a stronger and smoother taste.


There are several ways to make coffee: Phin coffee, coffee mixed by pouring hot water through the funnel of coffee, drip coffee. In particular, hot water drips through filter funnels filled with coffee grounds, is the most common method.

The way to make coffee can make a big difference in its health benefits and research shows that the use of filtration funnels is very important.

A recent study showed that coffee filter funnels may be better for you to be more filtered. Paper filter funnels can retain harmful ingredients in coffee grounds. Research shows that filter hopper retains Cafestol and Kahweol, compounds that can increase cholesterol levels.

Add natural flavor, restrict sugar

Adding natural flavor to coffee can enhance the flavor and bring more health benefits. Ingredients like cinnamon, turmeric and nutmeg can add taste to coffee and make this drink better health without adding calories.

Cinnamon can improve brain function and protect against heart disease, while turmeric has strong antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. Damage in a balanced diet can improve cholesterol levels.

Pay attention to the diet, start by adding a small amount and adjust the amount as you like based on taste and effect on health.

Adding sugar to coffee can be harmful to your health. This drink may have a delicious taste, but Latest diet guidance for Americans Recommendations should limit additional sugar levels less than 10% of your daily calories. The American Heart Association called for daily limits for additional sugar equivalent to 9 teaspoons for men and 6 teaspoons for women.

A diet high in sugar can lead to problems of blood sugar, weight gain and heart disease. Try using less sugar or flavor the coffee with a healthier substance, such as cinnamon.


When consumed moderately, coffee brings many health benefits. Image: Pexels

Limit artificial cream

Coffee brands have different ingredients, but most of the non -milking creams are made from sugar, water and vegetable oil. Add unhealthy sugar and fat in artificial creams can eliminate the health benefits of coffee. A diet rich in saturated fat and added sugar can contribute to diabetes, heart disease and unintended weight gain.

Instead of artificial cream, try healthier options, such as cow’s milk, almond milk or a small part of coconut milk. These options can make coffee taste delicious without affecting health benefits.

Add medium chain triglyceride oil

Add medium -chain triglycerides (MCT) to coffee that can make this drink more full. MCT is a fat that the body can use to create energy quickly. They are found in fat sources like coconut oil and milk.

Studies show that MCT oil works like brain and body fuel, especially in a low -carbohydrate diet. Research also shows that MCT can boost metabolism modestly and help you burn fat to create energy. MCT oil is also easy to digest.

Use cold coffee

Cold coffee can be better for health than traditional hot coffee. The study also showed that cold -made coffee is a bit less acidic than hot coffee, so if you are more likely to experience gastrointestinal problems, cold coffee can be better.

Drink enough

Coffee brings many health benefits, but too many good things are not always good. It is important to pay attention to your diet.

Studies show that average healthy adults can tolerate up to 400 mg of caffeine every day. Although the caffeine content is different, the study shows that an 8 ounce (about 29.6 ml) coffee cups on average about 83 mg. This means that most people should drink about 4 cups of coffee or less every day.

Choosing a smaller cup of coffee can also help you control your sugar and cream. The smaller coffee diet requires fewer additives to change their flavor.

If you want to improve your coffee drinking habits, first, consider making your own coffee at home. This helps completely control the components and diets.

Consider drinking time

Caffeine can help awake, so drinking coffee too late during the day can cause trouble sleeping at night. Try to avoid drinking coffee within 6 hours before going to bed.

Also, do not depend on coffee to wake yourself in the morning. Getting enough sleep at night and starting a new day with a healthy breakfast can help you feel more energetic throughout the day.

By Editor

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