Basic Wages of only 4th CEO Intel, and the rest is conditional on performance

Last Wednesday, after the Wall Street trading, the chip company announced Intel On the appointment of a new CEO – Lip -Baba Tan, former CEO of Cadence. The market loved the appointment, and Intel’s stock jumped 16.3% on Thursday and Friday. Intel’s report shows that Tan’s annual base salary will be $ 1 million, and will be entitled to an annual bonus for up to 200% of its base salary (ie $ 2 million).

However, the bulk of Tan’s rewards will be given to him in capital reward – worth $ 66 million, so that he may enjoy with the other shareholders as Intel’s stock will rise during his term. Tan expresses confidence in Intel’s battered stock and watches that it will rise from its current price levels, and he has even concluded with the company for acquiring $ 25 million.

Tan’s capital rewards program for 2025 includes executive-based blocked shares worth about $ 14.4 million, with the value being calculated on the basis of the average price of the share in the 30 days that ended on March 12. The brewery will be based on Intel’s repayment to shareholders in relation to the S&P 500 index for a period of three years.

Another package is of options, worth $ 9.6 million. The realization price of options will be the price on the day of allocation, and will mature for dishes for a period of three years.

In addition, Tan will also receive a capital grant in honor of the company. One package includes $ 25 million in options, whose realization price will be based on the price on the day of allocation. Fifth of the options will mature each year, and the last three maturation dates will be ripened on the basis of compliance with Intel’s refunds to the shareholders of the S&P 500 index.

Stocks blocked at $ 17 million

Another package under this category is of $ 17 million blocked shares. However, Tan will not receive them if Intel’s stock price does not exceed the target based on the average price at the 30 days before March 12 this year. As mentioned, Tan agreed to purchase $ 25 million from Intel’s shares from Intel’s shares within 30 days of his entry into the position; The blocked stock package will benefit Tan to continue to hold the shares he purchased.

By comparison, Intel’s previous CEO Pat Glasinger received a base salary of about $ 1.07 million in 2023, a salary drop of $ 1.3 million at 2022. Upon his entry into office, he received a larger capital retaliation package than Tan-$ 110 million, from which about 73% of the reward was based on the time, Was not accepted.

Glasinger retired as Intel CEO last December after a four -year term in office, after Intel’s share of Intel lost 60% of the campaign, most of his decline during his last year as CEO. When Glasinger left, Intel announced the appointment of two vice presidents in the company to play his place: David Zinsner and Michelle Johnston Holous. For everyone, who will be paid at the end of the first quarter.

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