6 things to do to end long sleepless nights

Maintaining the habit of waking up at the same time can help you get rid of the night insomnia every night.

British psychological therapists and sleep experts Heather Darwall Smith said: “We often think that sleep problems begin when we go to bed, but in reality the way we live in the daytime play a huge role in good sleep at night.”

If at 3am you still stare at the ceiling and try to force yourself to sleep, stop. “Sleep is not something you can force,” she explained.


Read books to help brain rest, improve insomnia. Image: Pexels

Experts recommend that instead of obsession with better sleep, focus on the 6 things below the day to promote natural biological clocks.

Wake up with an hour a day

Maintain a consistent waking time, even on weekends, very important to adjust your biological clock and ensure better sleep quality.

Start the new day awake

Exposure to daylight in the early morning and avoid the desire to compensate for the loss of sleep, because these habits strengthen your biological rhythm and help create appropriate sleep pressure in the evening.

For the brain to rest

To avoid cognitive overload when going to bed and having better sleep, take a real rest of the day. It is possible to wander the mind, such as dreaming, walking without using a phone or creating a “mental escape” such as blurring lights, reading books, stretching people or listening to something gentle.

Distinguish day and night

Creating a clear contrast between waking time and rest is essential for good sleep. Stand up every hour, walk or move in phone calls and meetings, even if it is only small movements.

Determining the emotions has not been resolved

If you feel emotional or physically insecure, acknowledge what makes you uncomfortable and use the method of deep breathing, heavy blankets and exercises to help stabilize the spirit. Combine more rituals before going to bed such as drinking warm water and turning on the light to help the body relax, prioritize sleep.

Don’t try to sleep

Trying to sleep desperately can become a vicious circle. So focus on helping you rest naturally instead of too much attention to the habit before bed or sleep.

Darwall Smith recommends seeking assistance from experts if you are still struggling with sleep despite making some changes, because that can mean you have sleep disorders.

By Editor

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