Macedonia del Norte: disco where 59 young people died in Macedonia del Norte had no emergency exit or sprinklers

The disco where 59 people died yesterday in Macedonia del Norte He had no counterINTERIENCY SPECATINGS, he only had two fire extinguishers and the only way out, apart from the main door, it was closed, as reported by the Prosecutor’s Office and publish local media on Monday

“The building did not have No system of fire or hydrant mouthsI only had two extinguishers and an inappropriate number of exits, with a single improvised rear door, in addition to the main entrance, which was closed with a lock and had no shooter from the inside ”the attorney general has listed, Ljupcho Kocevski.

In addition, the place was soundproof with Highly flammable materials and pyrotechnic devices were used during the concert that was being held when the fire began.

According to preliminary information, It was precisely the use of pyrotechnics What triggered the fire around 03.00 in the morning, when there were about 500 people, twice the allowed capacity.

As the director of the Hospital de Beloved younger victim was 14 years old and the rest of the deceased are mostly people up to 25 years.

Today the interrogations have begun in the Tribunal Penal de Skopie within the open research on the suspicion that the operating license of the disco where the fire occurred, in the town of Kocani had been falsified.

More than 20 people have been questioned so far and eleven are formally investigated. The Prosecutor’s Office has requested entry into prison for eight of them and The other three are hospitalized.

Among the calls to declare is the former Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshisince during his mandate the club received the operating license.

At least 44 of the 155 wounded They have been hospitalized abroad, due to the shortage of beds in burned units, while the country starts a seven -day mourning mourning for Monday The tragedy that has left 59 deaths.

Patients have been transferred to Serbia, Bulgaria, Türkiye and Greece, and another 22 will be sent today to Croatia, Romania. Hungary and Austria, Health authorities reported.

They have also reached Macedonia del Norte Medical teams from Serbia, Czech Republic, Belgium and Israel, To help attend the injured.

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