From the reader. Kauppalehti published the opinion of the Wind Power and the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (SLL) the regulation of wind turbine construction (KL 27.2.).
The Veto’s Veto’s Veto to get nature conservationists behind their own affairs is cunning, but at the same time an example of where lobbying and unfamiliarity can lead to. It is irresponsible to set residents and wilderness – both need security against reckless construction.
There is also nature outside the official wilderness. Should all of these be sacrificed, for example, to meet the needs of data centers and exports?
Power plants have been built too close to nature destinations
It is now necessary for SLL to disclose its true position on how it deals with the disadvantages of wind power construction, especially in biodiversity, nature and forest loss, water and bird effects and species mentioned in the Habitats Directive.
For example, what are the distances from power plants to targets that are important to diversity?
Now, it has already been built and the land windows are being planned far too close to nature sites and even on them. Change and exceptions to the Nature Conservation Act in compliance with the restoration regulation and the Water Tuition Directive are also the result of lobbying by interest organizations.
The interests of nature and protection of nature conservationists should control and promote. Now, SLL is intervening in the distance of wind turbines in the settlement without familiarity with expert statements on incorrect noise modeling in Finland and is in progress. Defining the distance of the wind turbine from the settlement at least 2-2.5 kilometers is justified by the principle of caution. There is also a significant wind power potential in Finland at these distances.
Environmental assessments have been incomplete
Finnish nature -The magazine has merged with the lack of environmental impact assessment of projects. The question arises, is SLL’s government and management at all familiar with the disadvantages and nature of wind power?
The interests of nature and protection of nature conservationists should control and promote.
By the way, how is it possible that it has been unjustified to support the wind power industry? Management’s views are not in line with messages from the members’ field. At the field level, it is known that very often environmental assessments are significantly incomplete and are unable to coordinate nature, residents and power plants.
In addition to industrial solar power, wind power is the most inefficient form of electricity production in terms of the required construction area. It even causes the most irreversible losses to the very values that nature conservationists would expect to defend.
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