Is Ryanair going to charge a fine of 100 euros if you reach the boarding door less than forty minutes before closing?

For those who often travel on Ryanair flights, it is quite known when the message accompanied by trumpets is landed that announces that The plane has reached its timely destination, and usually include successful data and recognition in this section.

And is that the punctuality It is very important for the Irish company. In order not to lower their ratios, as several media reports, the company would be raising new regulations that would go into force as of next May.

The key, for Ryanair, is not to allow passengers to wait until the last moment to go to the boarding door, sometimes forcing delay takeoff.

One of these measures would be to apply A ‘fine’, which could range between 100 and 120 euros for all those clients who do not appear at the boarding door enough. These media talk about an unwritten rule of 40 minutes.

What really is to this extent?

From Ryanair this news is perplexed before, since they have no penalty for this concept. Obviously, when you acquire one of its tickets, it is informed of the times when you should move through the airport. That is to say, two hours before if you have to bill luggage and being attentive to the monitors in case the time of the start of the shipment changes (the one on the ticket is orientative).

Several newspapers have expressed the company’s position before this bewilderment: “You must be at the boarding door as Minimum 30 minutes Before the departure time of your flight “, but there is no position that everyone is talking about.

Ryanair believes that it is a misunderstanding for one of the positions they do make in case of losing the flight. For travelers who are late to the airport or are delayed by a scale and the boarding door is already closed when they go through security control, exite a 100 euros rate to travel on the next flight With the same destination, as long as there are free places.

To expedite the shipping process there are new measures, which will come into force in November -it has not been able to be this summer, as they intended. How is the mandatory digital shipping card through the app. It will not be allowed to go with a printed copy.

By Editor