Close|Females in the knit fish are much larger than males that are attached to the partner in the dark to ensure that they are to ensure the rectification of the family.
The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.
Surrounding the Kyhmyläkrotti surprised marine biologist Laia Valor in the waters of Tenerife.
For the first time, the fish was observed so close to the surface, usually it lives at the depth of hundreds of meters.
The Kyhmyli Linity Crotte has a light body that attracts prey.
Monstrous And a rare guest from the depths surprised the Spanish marine biologist in the waters of the Canary Waters a few weeks ago. The black -brown creature seemed to be just a stitch with sharp teeth.
Telling Canarian Weekly magazine.
It was a dumpling of deep waters of the deep waters (Melanocetus johnsonii)which was reportedly seen for the first time so close to the surface. The name of the species in English is freely translated by Black Seadevil.
The species usually lives at the depth of hundreds of meters, up to a couple of kilometers. Now, the fish was most obviously accidentally in the surface water.
It was noticed by marine biologists off Tenerife. On the way back to the harbor, a sight in the ocean something that looked like a piece of plastic or other junk.
“It was in bad shape and lived only for hours,” a marine biologist The value describes at Canaria’s Weekly.
There is no information on why the fish ended up in difficult surface waters alive. According to Valor, the discovery of Chot is extremely rare, and this may have been the first time that the species is described in surface waters.
Found Apparently a female is apparently a female. The female of the species is much larger than the male. The female may Australian Museum It grows up to 18 centimeters, while males are only a few centimeters long.
The male attaches to the female to ensure the repayment of the family, describes The Smithsonian Museum website.
There is a protrusion at the end of the female chrot with a light body at the end. The light of light bacteria living in symbiosis. With light, fish attracts its prey in depths, which is remarkably gaping in the size of the fish.
The Kyhmylänkrotti was first filmed a decade ago on the west coast of the United States, said recently National Geographic. However, it was found deeper than now in Tenerife.
The dead fish was taken to the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History for examination.
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