The Lebanese Army took control of the border with Syria

The Lebanese Army eliminated illegal intersection points of the Lebanon-Syrian border. The command of the command notes that the purpose of this measure is to ensure the safety of borders, preventing their violation, including smugglers.

In the area of ​​Hermel, where the activity of the violators was especially noticeable, part of the special purpose was directed. In the border areas where the last combat clashes took place, the sappers are engaged in the elimination of their consequences.

Recall: on March 18, after several days of border clashes that entailed human victims, Syria and Lebanon reached an agreement on the ceasefire.

According to the Syrian side, the clashes began when the militants associated with the “Hizbala” entered the territory of Syria and abducted three military personnel, who were then killed. The Shiite group announced non -involvement, the Lebanese side claims that we are talking about a skirmish with smugglers.

By Editor

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