Xiaomi records record annual income, planning a large jump of electric car sales

The Chinese DIV Xiaomi concludes the 2024 year with a record annual revenue of 365.9 billion RMB (46.3 billion), with a growth of 35% compared to the previous year. For the first time, the company’s quarterly revenue exceeded 100 billion RMB (12.67 billion euros), which has been achieved in the last three months of 2024.

According to the announced financial results, the Xiaomi notes are noted by Sni & Zcaron. Adaptation & dstrok’s net profit of SKI & CCARON 41.3% to 27.2 billion RMB, while in the last quarter it increased the profit;

Smartphones and premium strategy
Xiaomi sold 168.5 million smartphones in 2024, which is a growth of 15.7%, & Ccaron; the name, they state, became the largest cacute; and movement & Ccaron; industry growth. According to the analysis of Canalys, the company is shaken by the position of the me & dstrok; in three waters & cacute; a produ & dstrok; a & ccaron.

The continuation of the “premium” strategy is evident in the success of the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, & Ccaron, which has exceeded the previous model by 50%. The Xiaomi increased the proportion of the Premium segment in China, where now they hold 24.3% tr & zcaron in the price range between & dstrok; in 4000 and 5000 RMB.

Sni & Zcaron
First Xiaomija’s electricity, the vehicle, Xiaomi Su7, was reached by the meaning of & ccaron. New model Xiaomi Su7 Ultra, launched in late February 2025, Ve & Cacute; has exceeded the annual goal of order & zcaron; in the first three days of sales. Xiaomi plans to deliver the 350,000 electricity of vehicles during 2025.

By the end of last year, the company opened 200 sales centers for electricity & craron; on vehicles in 58 Chinese cities, & Ccaron;

Record results in the Ku & Cacute segment; Annic Ure & Dstrok; Aja
Xiaomi’s IoT and Lifestyle product department generated the revenue of VE & Cacute for the first time; and of 100 billion RMB, with a growth of 30% compared to the previous year. The sale of the air conditioning of the dessert, the coolers and the washing machine increased by more than 50%, while the total delivery of smart houses; the Annostrk;

Thus & dstrok; Er, Xiaomi was launched by Mijia Central Air Conditioner Pro, & Ccaron; the name is positioned on the tr & zcaron premium houses;

Investments in AI and Istra & Zcaron
Xiaomi was rooked last year; Io 24.1 billion RMB in Istria and Zcaron; The focus is placed on the development of artificial intelligence and ecosystems “People × Auto × Home”, which connects smartphones, electricity and ccaron; on vehicles and ku & cacute; Anske Ure & Dstrok; AJE. The new version of the Xiaomi Hyperos 2 brings advanced AI and can & CACUTE, and enhanced connection of Ure & Dstrok; AJA, and the company is Ve & Cacute; secured more than 42,000 patents around the world.

By Editor

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