Cetting smoking is a process that requires perseverance, but giving specific plans, changing lifestyle, strengthening the will to contribute to effective.

Smoking is harmful to health, leading to many different diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung cancer and respiratory diseases. Smoking in any form is harmful and abandoned can bring positive changes. Here are 6 ways to help smokers give up this habit.

Planning to quit smoking

Determining the time to quit smoking is the first step to play an important role. Smokers can choose any day within 1-2 weeks to have mental preparation time. Determining the cause of difficulty smoking such as stress, coffee or social situations, thereby making a decision to have a way to deal with them. Make a clear planning and seriously implement it to make it easier for people to abandon this habit.

Consolidate the will

The basis for successfully smoking cessation is in a strong will. It is good to be aware of the harmful effects of smoking but smoking is more important. When you decide, persevere and remind yourself to continue the journey to quit.

Change lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can promote the smoking process more easily. Exercises such as walking, jogging or yoga work to reduce stress and enhance lung function. Eating balanced with many fruits, vegetables and whole grains to support the body healing. Drinking plenty of water, good sleep also contributes to dealing with the symptoms of not wanting to quit. Abstain from alcohol and caffeine because they can lead to cigarette cravings.


Jogging not only enhances lung function but also reduces stress to cause smoking cravings. Image: Bao Bao

Search for healthy alternative methods

The goal is to replace smoking habits with healthier alternatives. When you feel smoking, turn your body’s attention with activities such as exercise, listen to music or chat with people.

Search for support

Leaving smoking will be easy if smokers have support from family members, friends or medical experts. Consulting and behavioral therapy, tobacco cessation program to reduce cravings and stress control.

Prescription drug

Some drugs can prevent nicotine cravings and smoking symptoms. They work by preventing the effects of nicotine on the brain or changing chemicals in the brain related to tobacco addiction. Dosage and usage need a doctor’s consultation.

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