On Thursday, EU leaders gathered in Brussels to discuss Ukraine’s financial and military assistance, the future peace process and the Ukraine EU membership.
The meeting was also attended by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
After two hours of Ukraine, the common view of EU leaders, according to EU civil servants, was that the US-led peace talks are currently in a state where “no real negotiations”.
In the resolution of the meeting, the European Council “urges Russia to demonstrate the real political will to end the war”.
EU countries are ready to further increase and enhance Russia’s sanctions.
The Ukraine decision statements of the EU Summit were again made with only 26 Member States’ unanimity, without Hungary, who opposes the “strong peace” of Ukraine, that is, the country’s arrangement.
The resolution states that, with the exception of Hungary, all 26 Member States agree with the need to continue the political and military support of Ukraine, which the European Council intends to discuss in its next session.
Member States and the EU are also ready to promote Ukraine’s security guarantees, “especially by supporting Ukraine’s ability to defend themselves.”
Prime Minister representing Finland at the summit Petteri Orpo (co.)
In the resolution, Member States urge the Commission to provide Ukraine support for this year. In addition, individual Member States are urgently urgently advised to enhance their actions to meet the acute military needs of Ukraine.
Ukraine faster to become an EU member
According to the sources of the meeting, many leaders emphasized the need to accelerate Ukraine’s accession negotiations on the EU on Thursday.
In the past, it has been estimated that Ukraine could be an EU member in 2030.
The meeting of the meeting did not mention any dates, but reiterated the EU’s former position that the Union would enhance its support for Ukrainian reform efforts on its way to EU membership.
Russian-minded Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban However, visit its own campaign to damn Ukraine’s EU membership road.
Before the summit of the summit, Orbán announced that in Hungary, a referendum on the approval of EU membership in Ukraine should be held in Hungary. At the same time, he reminded that Ukraine’s EU membership would cost each Hungarian a year 500,000 Hungarian forints, or about EUR 1,251.
According to the EU rules, before the possible approval of Ukraine as an EU member, every member of the Member State must be accepted nationally as a member of the country as a member of the Union.
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