Euclid describes space spacious and accurately – the history of the universe is explored

Euclid’s images can be used to specify how quickly the universe expands. The secrets of dark energy and dark matter can also survive.

The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.

The space telescope Euclid describes large areas of space at one time.

The pictures provide new data from space phenomena such as galaxy and quasar.

Euclid describes the entire space in six years. Objectives: produces an accurate 3D map of the universe and finds out the secrets of dark energy and dark matter.

Space telescope Euclid has photographed and measured large areas of space at one time. Euclid Pictures were announced on Wednesday for the second time.

The pictures already provide a lot of new data from different space phenomena, although only a small part of the entire Euclid task has been completed.

For example, galaxy troops, quasars and gravitational lenses were obtained.

There is a large part of the stars of the universe in the galaxy forces. Quasars, on the other hand, are distant space targets that radiate very brightly.

The brightness of the quasaar occurs when the galaxy falls fall into the black hole in the center. Then the substance becomes heavily hot.

The gravitational lens, on the other hand, is a phenomenon in which the gravity of the massive object of space folds and strengthens the light behind it.

Astronomers The last time Euclid studies three areas of space has been investigated by Euclid.

They cover a total of 63 square meters in the sky. For comparison, for example, our immediate neighbor moon covers about 0.2 square meters of heaven.

The area now described covers only 0.45 % of all areas Euclid is expected to shoot in six years.

Euclid’s first observations were announced about a year ago, in May 2024. The area of ​​the pictures now published is about seven times as large as last time.

The area is one of the largest uniform sky areas that have never been measured at once and at the same time, both in the area of ​​visible light and in the infrared area.

“These images show the effectiveness of the Euclid Space Telescope,” describes in the announcement of the images of the Finnish Euclid cooperation, senior researcher Elina Keihänen From the University of Helsinki.

“The pictures give a taste of what is expected next year. Then Euclid’s first year’s data will become public.”

European The Esa Space Telescope of the Esa Space Organization Euclid was sent to space in July 2023.

It makes measurements at the so-called L2. The point is about 1.5 million kilometers from the country.

Euclid started his work in February 2024. Euclid describes space at L2 at least six years.



The oval map describes the night sky. In the middle you can see the Milky Way. Cloudy gauze has stars and gas. Euclid has only described deep in three areas. They are marked with yellow.

One The goal is to produce a very accurate three -dimensional map of the universe.

At the same time, researchers can describe how the universe has expanded throughout history.

Euclid’s goal is also to make observations that help you understand exactly what the dark energy of space and the dark matter are.

One of the big questions about cosmology is why the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Two different groups of researchers were discovered by acceleration in 1998. The mechanism behind the phenomenon is called dark energy.

Dark substance, on the other hand, is a substance in the universe that does not radiate as usual. However, it interacts with regular substance. Its existence can be deduced from, for example, galaxy movements.

Euclid’s latest results are presented by as many as 27 fresh scientific publications. In addition, seven other studies describe how the data obtained has been processed.

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