Historian Alexander Yanov died in the USA at the age of 91

On Friday, February 18, historian Alexander Yanov died in New York at the age of 91.

Alexander Yanov. short biography

Born April 18, 1930 in Odessa. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 1953. By distribution, he worked as the director of a secondary school in the city of Stalinsk. He was a traveling special correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta and Komsomolskaya Pravda. Published in the journals “New World”, “Young Communist”, “Questions of Literature” and “Questions of Philosophy”. Studied the history of Slavophilism. He defended his dissertation “Slavophiles and Konstantin Leontiev. The Degeneration of Russian Nationalism. 1839-1891”. He wrote a 2000-page work “The History of the Political Opposition in Russia”, which, despite the volume, was widely distributed in samizdat.

He emigrated to the United States, where from 1975 he taught Russian history and political science at the University of Texas, the University of California, the University of Michigan, and the City University of New York. Doctor of Historical Sciences. His most recent position is Professor of Political Science at the graduate school of the City University of New York.

He published about 900 articles and essays in the Soviet, American, English, Canadian, Italian, Russian, Israeli, Polish, Japanese and Ukrainian press, as well as about 20 books in five countries in four languages.

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