Lots of tradition at Rapid’s first test without millionaire Mayulu

Mayulu has already left

Fally Mayulu will no longer be there. The striker is already on his way to his new club.

If the medical check is successfully completed, Mayulu will move to Bristol City to the second-tier English Championship. Rapid will receive a transfer fee of 3.5 million euros. All details were negotiated on Wednesday, according to KURIER information.

Although Mayulu played less than 50 percent of the game time last season, the highly talented attacker was the most sought-after Rapid player. In the spring, sports director Markus Katzer made an initial offer of 1.5 million. Before training began, another one came in, and the 2.5 million offered was also not enough for the Viennese.

Then Mayulu’s agent travelled there in person – negotiations began again after the first training session. Since several clubs were interested in the centre-forward, the price was increased significantly to 3.5 million.

A year ago, the 21-year-old was a free transfer from Blue-White Linz came.

Similar to Rapid fans, opinions on Mayulu’s future also varied greatly within the club.

Some would have sold the not always motivated attacker for 1.5 million at the first offer. Others were convinced that a player with Mayulu’s potential could become the club’s new record transfer after a good year in European competitions.

Two new players for Rapid instead of Mayulu

Cat and Robert Klauss As those directly affected, they finally agreed to consider selling if the bid was for three million. This would be enough to finance the two reinforcements the coach wanted. And there is (still) no capital to “bet” on an explosion in performance from the sometimes lethargic Frenchman.

A new addition will affect the storm. According to Sky, Mayulu’s successor is on the way: Haaland-Cousin Jonatan Braut Brunes is supposed to come from Leuven.

The 23-year-old Norwegian moved to Belgium just a year ago for €2.6 million, so he certainly doesn’t come cheap.

Changed scouting instead of scorer values

But after good – or in this case weak – scoring points like Brunes did last season, Rapid is under Chief Scout Nino Rauch no longer selected.

Rather, it is about predetermined parameters – as with Winger Isaak Jansson,which also only seemed exciting at second glance in Spain’s second division and is now once again in the focus of larger clubs.

By Editor

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