Several countries are calling on their citizens to leave Lebanon for fear of war

Foreign ministry officials from several countries around the world have called on their citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears that tensions on the Israeli-Lebanese border are on the verge of escalating into a full-scale war.

The Dutch Foreign Ministry has urged its citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon and urged those already there to leave the country as soon as possible while commercial flights are operating.

Germany also issued a travel warning for Lebanon, calling on German citizens in Lebanon to leave the country, saying: “The situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon is very tense.”

The Canadian government has also called on its citizens in Lebanon to leave the country amid escalating tensions. “The safety of Canadians – both at home and abroad – is Canada’s top priority,” said Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly.

Kuwait urged its citizens to avoid traveling to Lebanon and urged those already in Lebanon to leave the country as soon as possible “due to the security situation prevailing in the region.” North Macedonia has also asked its citizens to leave Lebanon due to fears of war.

Britain has advised its citizens against traveling to Lebanon, and the US Embassy in Beirut has sent out warnings to United States citizens asking them to avoid travel to areas near the borders with Israel and Syria.

The Russian Embassy in Beirut also urged people to refrain from traveling to Lebanon.

By Editor

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