Yesterday (Tuesday), 8 children from the city of Ofakim were evacuated to the Saban Children’s Hospital in Soroka, after inhaling chlorine while spending time in a jacuzzi in a public pool in the city. The hospital reported that the children were evacuated in a minor condition – most of them suffered from skin and eye irritation, and one of them also suffered from shortness of breath. After undergoing medical evaluation and treatment by the staff in the emergency room, they were released home.The Israel Police stated that an investigation has been opened regarding the chlorine leak from the jacuzzi in the public pool. After an inspection, teams of the Ministry of Environmental Protection ordered the cessation of use of the compound until the deficiencies are corrected.

The health hazards of inhaling chlorine

In these hot days and at the beginning of the summer vacation, many families spend time in pools, where this disinfectant is widely used, so it is important to know the health hazards and treatment methods. Prof. Amnon Lahad, director of the family medicine department of the General Hospital in the Jerusalem district, explains that chlorine gas is a colorless gas that can be very harmful to people who come into contact with it, depending on the degree of exposure and the concentration of the substance. According to him, many industries use this material for disinfection, especially in pools and hot tubs, especially in view of the fact that it is a convenient and cheap material.

Lahad believes that the problem stems from using too large a dose of the substance, or alternatively – when a technical malfunction occurs and the gas leaks, which could lead to severe health damage. “Those who are exposed to the substance immediately feel a burning sensation, usually in the area of ​​the eyes, which become red and irritated, as well as in the area of ​​the nose. For many, the effect will also manifest itself in an asthma attack, especially among those who suffer from respiratory problems.” He adds that in the event of exposure to the substance, one must immediately go to the hospital for treatment, which will include, among other things, intensive eye washing as well as taking bronchodilators in order to treat the shortness of breath. He adds that sometimes the victims will also be treated with steroids to reduce the inflammation.

“In rare situations, when the exposure to the substance is at a very high intensity, the damage may be more severe, and result in chemical burns, damage to the lungs and even respiratory failure and death in extreme situations,” warns the professor.

How can you detect if there is a chlorine leak in the pool you spend time in?

According to the professor, it is difficult to understand what the dose of chlorine is, since only at very high concentrations does the gas take on a yellowish green color. However, he notes that it has a familiar smell, and when it is very strong, it may indicate a high dose. In such a situation, he recommends contacting the pool operator and drawing his attention.

Besides public pools, in recent years more and more people are purchasing home pools, and some of them are also purchasing a disinfectant that should be used for this purpose. The professor recommends that all users consult a professional before use, in order to make sure that the dosage is indeed accurate and adapted to the size of the pool, and does not exceed the recommended dosage.

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