Tajani and Salvini at Villa Taverna for the 4th of July party

At Villa Taverna, a Roman residence of theUS Ambassador Jack Markell Independence Day is celebrated a few days before July 4th. Over four thousand guests attended the park in the heart of the Parioli district, overlooking Villa Borghese. Women and men of institutions, politicians and entrepreneurs. Large government representation. Present were the vice presidents of the Council Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Matteo Salvini, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovano, the ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti, Orazio Schillaci, Francesco Lollobrigida and Gennaro Sangiuiliano.

Among the guests also Elisabetta Belloni, director of Dis, and the president of Confindustria, Emanuele Orsini. Along the avenues of the garden, where various banquets have been set up, the vice presidents of the Chamber Anna Ascani and Giorgio Mule’, the parliamentarian of the League, Laura Ravetto, Renato Brunetta, president of the Cnel, Marco Tronchetti Provera, meet in no particular order. , the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate of Forza Italia, Paolo Barelli and Maurizio Gasparri, the president of the FdI senators, Lucio Malan, Giovanni Malago’, number one of the CONI, the FdI deputy Giulio Tremonti, Luigi Di Maio, Benedetto Della Vedova more’ Europe, Teo Luzi, general commander of the Carabinieri, Claudio Lotito, Angelino Alfano, Marco Minniti, Romano Prodi and Alessandro Profumo. After the greetings from the guests, there was music and fireworks.

“I would like to congratulate the entire Italian government for the great success achieved during the Italian presidency of the G7”. This was stated by the American ambassador in Rome, Jack Markell. “We live in a time when democracy needs to be cultivated. Challenges far greater than any single nation demand our attention – challenges such as climate change, social injustice, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and the destabilization of democracy. We meet these challenges, hand in hand, with our partners and allies around the world while holding fast to the values ​​that unite us.”

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