Bill Gates shares his three secrets to achieve personal and professional success |  TECHNOLOGY

Bill Gates,co-founder of Microsoft and renowned philanthropist, has shared over the years the habits he considers fundamental to his personal and professional success. From the priority importance of rest to his dedication to reading and passion for his work.

This approach has not only shaped his career, but also offers valuable lessons for those seeking to improve their performance and quality of life. What’s more, these principles can be applied in a variety of settings, whether at work or in the family.

Infobae has collected the three keys to Bill Gates’ success, which he has applied at different times in his life over the years.

Prioritize rest

In his early days, Gates was extremely dedicated to work, often sacrificing hours of sleep. After reading “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker, he recognized the importance of adequate rest. He now he makes sure to sleep at least seven hours a day to improve your cognitive performance and general well-being.

Dedication to reading

Gates spends an hour each night reading, with the goal of completing approximately 50 books a year believes that constant reading broadens his perspectives and provides him with ideas that can be applied in both his personal and professional life. He also encourages interactive reading, making notes in the margins for further reflection and understanding.

Passion for the work

Annually, Bill Gates reserves a ““week to think” in a secluded cabin, dedicated exclusively to reflection on important projects for the future. This practice not only demonstrates his commitment to strategic planning, but also underscores his deep passion for his work. This passion fuels his dedication and gives him the clarity needed to stay focused on his long-term goals.

These habits have not only been key to Gates’ career, but are also valuable advice for anyone interested in improving their quality of life and professional success.

By Editor

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