Private networks of ultra-Orthodox education will be disconnected from the Treasury systems, but not completely

Starting next week, the private networks of the ultra-Orthodox organizations Maayan HaChinuch HaTorani and HaChinuch HaAtzmai will be disconnected from the Finance Ministry’s systems and will be deprived of direct access to the state budget.

Chains will be forced to open separate bank accounts and create their own financial departments, which will be responsible for, among other things, compliance with corporate regulations.

In addition, the networks will no longer have a Treasury auditor working for them and will have to provide internal audits themselves.

These steps will allow the state to relieve itself of responsibility for the financial state of both networks.

At the same time, there will not be a complete break between the Ministry of Finance and the networks. The Ministry will create a system of supervision over the networks, which will approve any item of their expenditure and any significant payment.

By Editor

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