“Miss. Tic, to life and love”: the street pope at the Palais des Papes in Avignon

Simple. Basic. Atomic. Miss. Tic (1956-2022) has the flow of rappers. She writes, she paints, she doesn’t talk. Wordplay inspired by Prévert under the auspices of Rimbaud, whose portrait by Ernest Pignon Ernest, the precursor of street art, adorned his studio, recreated in the exhibition dedicated to him at the Palais des Papes in Avignon (Vaucluse). No one has merged a word, a typography, a face, an image with such intensity on walls, fences, paintings.

Miss. Tic had worked in a printing house. In screen printing too. A poet but also a technician of the power of the printed word. “I make you smile but I make you think.” Yes, the street artist makes us think, with a smile.

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