The trend of women marrying late and delaying pregnancy plans due to wanting economic and career stability causes the situation of late childbirth to increase. However, the recommended age for childbearing is before 35, because the older you are, the poorer the quality of eggs, the smaller the number of eggs, causing difficulty in conceiving and many pregnancy risks.

20-30 years old is the stage when the ovaries function best with quality follicles and abundant eggs. This is the ideal age for women to give birth. 35 years old is the maximum age to ensure the ability to conceive, reduce the rate of fetal abnormalities, good for the health of mother and child.

According to studies, before the age of 35, pregnancy is stable due to good women’s health, limited obstetric complications, reduced cesarean section rates and reduced pregnancy pathologies such as diabetes and hypertension. , preeclampsia… After age 35, the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth is greater. The possibility of multiple pregnancy in older women is also greater than in younger women.

In addition, the risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects and delayed motor development increases with the mother’s age. In older mothers, egg chromosomes easily stick together, leading to diseases related to fetal chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome…

A baby was born at Tam Anh General Hospital thanks to in vitro fertilization. Image: Hospital provided

Older women often have many underlying diseases and need to be screened for musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, and diabetes. Therefore, if you plan to become pregnant, especially after age 35, you should have a comprehensive health check-up. If you have underlying diseases or conditions that directly affect pregnancy and childbirth, you need to be consulted and treated first.

Women over 35 years old, if within 6 months of trying to get pregnant without results, should see an infertility doctor. Before getting pregnant, you need to get genetic counseling and closely monitor your pregnancy.

Advanced techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection, mild ovarian stimulation, egg collection, and preimplantation genetic screening at the Center for Assisted Reproduction, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi (IVF Tam Anh) help many older women get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies.

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