Melons are GN, "racism is incompatible with FdI but infiltration is a regime method"

“I think who has racist, anti-Semitic and nostalgic feelings has mistaken his home because these feelings are incompatible with Fdi, with the Italian right, with the political line that we have defined in these years and therefore on this I do not accept ambiguity”. This was said last night by the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni in a press conference organised at the end of the European Council, commenting Fanpage’s investigation into fascist chants and anti-Semitic insults within Gioventù Nazionale (the youth organization of Fratelli d’Italia), an affair that has already led to the resignation of two people.

I asked the party to take action – the prime minister reiterated -. Obviously I couldn’t have known about it. I think these people are the best allies of those who wish us harm and therefore we must be very determined”. “I note – added Meloni – that from today it is possible to infiltrate political parties and trade unions,resume meetings and publish them at your discretion. I acknowledge that this is a new frontier of political conflict. This is a tool that can be used in all directions”, Meloni continued, underlining that “infiltrating political party meetings is a regime method. Why has no one in 75 years of the Republic thought of infiltrating a political party and secretly filming its meetings? Is it allowed from today? I ask you, the political parties, the President of the Republic”.

Francesco Cancellato, director of Fanpage, responded to the Prime Minister’s words: “Asking to shut up to a newspaper from the top of the Presidency of the Council is the ‘regime method’, not doing an undercover investigation. I would never have thought of writing such banality, before Giorgia Meloni’s words last night.” “The Fanpage investigation on Gioventù Nazionale has definitively uncovered the neo-fascism problem within the Brothers of Italy”Cancellato had written yesterday, again on the social network


Asking to shut the mouth of a newspaper from the top of the presidency of the council is “regime method”, not carrying out an undercover investigation.

I would never have thought of writing such banality, before Giorgia’s words #Melons of yesterday evening#fanpage

— Francesco Cancellato (@fcancellato)
June 28, 2024


He also had his say on the matter Simona Malpezzi, Pd group leader in the extraordinary commission intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism, incitement to hatred and violence: “President Meloni, the regimes are those that threaten and intimidate the free press and use positions of power to prevent investigations like those of Fanpage. I believe it is of national and public interest to know whether the youth organization of the first governing party is clearly fascist, racist and anti-Semitic”.


“The prime minister’s reaction is surprising,” he wrote on X the leader of Iv Matteo Renzi -. The problem is not the journalists who make the scoops. The problem is racist anti-Semites who praise Hitler and engage in politics. The problem of Fratelli d’Italia is not the journalists who enter the party’s chats, it is the racists who are not let out immediately.”


Fanpage Investigation. The Premier’s reaction is surprising. The problem is not the journalists who make scoops. The problem is the racist anthemists who praise Hitler and do politics. The problem of Fratelli d’Italia is not the journalists who enter the chats of the…

— Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi)
June 28, 2024


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