The Prime Minister sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected Secretary General of the CE

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe Alain Berse.

According to the press release of the government, the message specifically states:

“This year’s 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe is accompanied by complex geopolitical challenges in Europe and beyond. In these difficult times, when democracy and human rights are being seriously tested, there is a need more than ever for a strong Council of Europe to promote and make lasting peace by guaranteeing universal values.

I am sure that during your tenure as the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, your efforts will be aimed at guaranteeing the supremacy of our fundamental values ​​and principles and protecting human rights throughout the geographical area of ​​the Council of Europe, for the benefit of the effective functioning of the convention system and increasing the role of the Council of Europe.

I would like to confirm that in this responsible mission you can count on the full support of me personally and the government of the Republic of Armenia”.

Alain Berse is the former president of the Swiss Confederation, he was elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe on June 25, replacing Maria Pejcinovich Burich.

By Editor

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