An emergency debate he held today in the Knesset on the issue of Nile fever in Israel
The alarming spread of Nile fever (“West Nile fever”), led to the convening of an emergency discussion held today (Monday), in the Knesset’s health committee. The discussion, held at the request of Knesset members Avraham Bezalel, Yasser Hojirat and Ofer Kasif; He dealt with the question of treating the problem of the virus.The representatives of the ministry indicated a significant increase in the number of diagnosed cases and the deaths that occurred as a result of the disease – in 2021 there was one death, in 2022 – two cases, in 2023 three cases and this year – seven cases. According to Ministry of Health data presented at the hearing, by June 30, 87 cases had been diagnosed – 55 men, 32 women and another 10 presumed patients who have not yet received a final diagnosis. 7 died of the disease. The average age of the patients is 73.

The representative of the ministry emphasized that the disease, which is transmitted from birds to humans through a mosquito bite, is not transmitted from person to person. It was also reported that for children and young people it is usually a mild disease, but for adults it can be dangerous and even fatal.

“You don’t have to wait for the number of patients to increase”

MK Ofer Kasif: “It is true that the disease itself is a disease that usually does not affect humans, but there is a more vulnerable population, especially older people with a damaged immune system. It should be taken into account that those who recover from the disease often suffer from damage that lasts and becomes permanent.” Kassif clarified that the state and local authorities bear the responsibility of preventing the disease. Among other things, through drying water sources and treatment by the Ministry of Health. “We should not wait for the number of patients to increase. We need already now to start cooperation of all the ministries in prevention and treatment. We are expecting bigger heat waves, so the danger will be greater.”

The connection to the weather

Dr. Shai Reicher, Director of the Pest and Control Division at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, explains that mosquitoes are greatly affected by weather conditions. Thailand is here – the mosquitoes really like this weather. It is important to understand that knowledge and correct behavior can help prevent the disease.”

MK Yasser Hojirat is also concerned about the numerical increase. “The data are definitely worrying. We know the reasons and therefore we need to get a cure for the plague early and not wait for the summer months. What is particularly worrying is that in 2014 the number of deaths is higher compared to previous years.”

Dr. Or Krieger, a specialist in infectious diseases in the public health division and a pediatrician and clinical microbiologist, who spoke on behalf of the Ministry of Health, said that “there is an unusual morbidity here and that is why there is a fear of the matter intensifying.”

Dr. Avi Gadot, head of the neurology department at Ichilov: “I am not in favor of producing panic, but this is a potentially fatal disease for people 70 years old and older, so in this case – if panic saves a life, I am in favor of it. Completely healthy people came to us for treatment, and we saw that the disease hit them hard.”

He also mentions a drug that is currently being tried in Ichilov to treat patients. “This is a well-known drug that was already tried during the outbreak of the corona virus and prevented the deterioration of some patients with it. It helps the body fight viral infections, and our goal is to try to use it to treat people over 70 who are diagnosed with Nile fever. We are trying to understand if this drug really helps and if so – to start take care of her. The Ministry of Health is involved.”

Dr. Monica Leshkowitz-Mazuz, director of the veterinary institute and deputy director of veterinary services at the Ministry of Agriculture, said that “not only are there more cases, according to PCR tests, it seems that the percentage of the virus in the blood is greater, which means that there is a different phenomenon here.”

By Editor

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