From July 4th Terrasini hosts 'A sea of ​​books'

Torre Alba will host the traditional appointment with “A sea of ​​books”, the Terrasini literary review now in its ninth edition. Organized by the LUNA-ETS Cultural Association and sponsored by the Municipality of Terrasini with the editorial direction of Franco Cascio, this year it features guests such as the writers Ugo Barbàra, Francesco and Silio Bozzi, Attilio Bolzoni, Francesca Maccani, Stefania Auci and the journalists Alessandra Ziniti, Elvira Terranova, Andrea Tuttoilmondo, Roberto Chifari.

The longest-running cultural event in the municipality on the western coast of Palermo, born in 2016, is a landmark of the major Italian and independent publishing houses. In addition to representing an important impulse to the promotion of reading, it has managed to carve out a space for itself in the world of Italian publishing alongside the most important national literary festivals.

We start on Thursday 4 July with “I Malarazza” (Rizzoli) by Ugo Barbara (the author is in conversation with journalist Roberto Chifari), the story of an exceptional family grappling with the upheavals of history and the curse that falls on those who are not satisfied with a muted present.

The protagonists of the second day, July 9th, will be Francesco and Silio Bozzi (the authors are in conversation with the journalist Andrea Tuttoilmondo) with “Stupor Mundi” (Solferino), a narrative with a cinematic rhythm centered on three strange characters and the love for Sicily.

Third appointment, on July 11th, with the latest effort by Attilio Bolzoni “Controvento – Frontier tales” (Zolfo), the stories and investigations of one of the most famous Italian reporters. The journalist Alessandra Ziniti talks to the author.

July 18th will be the turn of Francesca Maccani and his newly published novel “Agata del vento” (Rizzoli), a historical novel inspired by the true story of a healer from the Aeolian Islands. The series closes on July 25 with “La notte dell’Antimafia” (Aliberti) by Lucio Luca (journalist Elvira Terranova speaks with the author), an Italian story of power, corruption and denied justice.

By Editor

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