Apple is working on AirPods with an infrared camera to improve the immersive experience of Vision Pro | wearable | Ming-Chi Kuo | TECHNOLOGY

Apple is working on new AirPods focused on joint use with the viewer Apple Vision Pro and that integrate an infrared camera to offer a better spatial audio experience; a device that will go into production in 2026, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.

The American technology company continues to work on implementing new features in its devices, with a special focus on wearables and, more recently, on its wireless earphones, which will have a functionality similar to the iPhone’s Face ID receiver.

This was announced by Apple expert Ming-Chi Kuo in a post on his Medium blog, in which he explained that those from Cupertino will introduce an infrared camera in their next AirPods Pro. Thanks to it, users will be able to Enjoy a more immersive experience.

Apple’s idea is to launch these headphones together with the Apple Vision Pro so that, when used, the sound will play according to the movements of the user’s head. “This way, if you turn it to face a specific direction, the camera in the headphones will be able to record the movement and therefore emphasize the sound source in that direction.”

On the other hand, the analyst has also pointed out that the infrared camera of the headphones will be able to detect changes and movements in the environment. Therefore, it could allow the control of headphones or other devices to which they are connected using gestures.

Kuo has finally indicated that the production of this new format of ‘wearables’ is expected to begin in 2026. Likewise, he has indicated that the Taiwanese company Foxconn will be the supplier of the “new product introduction (NPI)” for the camera that they incorporate. .

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