Revolution in the iPhone 16 Pro Max: Higher capacity battery and easy replacement | TECHNOLOGY

Apple It will extend the autonomy of the iPhone 16 Pro Max by increasing the density of the battery cells, a modification that will also change the material that protects this component, which will become stainless steel.

In recent months, the company has announced new developments in its repair section, designed to improve the useful life of its devices, which will soon accept parts from used iPhones.

It has also launched in Spain and other European countries a tool for diagnosing errors on the device, which includes the verification of programs in both the software and the hardware, whether in systems such as Face ID, the audio output or the device’s camera.

Ming-Chi Kuo has now announced that those from Cupertino are carrying out improvements in the ‘hardware’ section of what will be their next generation of smartphones, iPhone 16, which will have a novelty in its most advanced version, iPhone 16 Pro Max.

Specifically, the firm hopes to improve the autonomy of its battery by increasing the energy density of the cells by 5 to 10 percent, which will result in an increase in the temperature of the component when in operation.

To dissipate value and prevent battery overheating, Apple will for the first time use a stainless steel casing which, while “not as effective” as aluminum, is less susceptible to corrosion. This means that it will improve the protection of the battery and the terminal system.

The analyst recalled through his X profile that this novelty responds to what the European Union requires by 2027, with a law that establishes that smartphones must be equipped with replaceable batteries.

Therefore, the use of this material reduces the difficulty of replacing the battery, “which will help Apple meet the requirements” established by this regulation, as Kuo clarified in the statement.

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