As part of the preparations for the war in the north: hospitalized patients were transferred from the north to the center
For the first time since October 10, patients hospitalized in intensive care units in hospitals in the north were transferred to hospitals in the center – as part of the preparations for the war in the north. This is what we published this evening (Monday) for the first time in “Shesh Am”.In some hospitals in the north, a process called “hospitalization” has been carried out in recent days, which means transferring a very specific type of patients from the north to the center. These are patients hospitalized in intensive care units, as well as intensive care units – that is, patients in internal wards but in complex medical conditions, including ventilators.

The reason that the procedure was performed specifically with these patients is that the hospitals in the north, such as Ziv Hospital in Safed, are relatively small hospitals, where the number of intensive care beds is much smaller than in hospitals such as Sheba, Ichilov or Rambam.

It is important to emphasize that this is not a mass evacuation of hospitalized patients – but something very measured and selective, we are not there God forbid, but still – this has not happened since October 10, the first days of the war, even then there was a high level of preparation for war in the north.

In the announcement of the Ministry of Health at the time, it was stated that “as part of the preparation of the health system and hospitals for possible developments in the security situation, the Ministry of Health is transferring patients from the hospitals in the north to hospitals in the center of the country, in order to enable the preparation and readiness of the hospitals on the northern front for any future development that may occur.”

By Editor

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