Israeli Ministry of Health: 87 cases of West Nile fever infection registered

On Monday, July 1, the Israeli Ministry of Health reported that 87 people have been diagnosed with West Nile fever to date. There are suspicions of West Nile fever in another 10 patients, whose final diagnosis will be made after receiving test results.

Seven patients died from the disease. (The mortality rate has not changed since the last data update by the Ministry of Health on June 28).

The average age of the patients is 73 years, the youngest patient is 8 years old, the oldest is 98 years old.

All cases of the disease were reported in central Israel.

West Nile fever has long been known in Israel. The disease is caused by the bite of a mosquito infected with a specific virus. However, the disease is not transmitted from person to person.

Approximately 80% of those infected are asymptomatic, while 20% of those infected experience symptoms of varying severity, including fever, general malaise, headaches, and generalized body pain.

Neurological complications occur in less than 1% of those infected. The greatest risks are present in older adults and people with weakened immune systems. The Ministry of Health has published detailed information about West Nile fever, translated into Russian.

The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Health have also issued a series of instructions for the population that can reduce the risk of West Nile fever infection. It is necessary to clean public sewers and also to dry up sources of stagnant water, which become a habitat for mosquitoes.

Remove, cover or turn over any containers that may collect water, such as old tires, buckets or barrels. It is important to prevent water from stagnating in flower pots and plant pots and to drain or change water in flower vases and pet water bottles on a daily basis. It is recommended that home pools be covered and storm gutters cleaned and drained. It is necessary to remove rags and old unused items in which water may accumulate.

It is important to take measures against mosquito bites: apply insect repellent to your body, install accessories to repel mosquitoes in your rooms. You should reduce the area of ​​skin exposed to bites by wearing long, light-colored clothing. Fans should be turned on in rooms and when you are outside. Insect screens should be installed on windows and doorways.

The Ministry of Ecology also calls on people to contact local authorities where mosquito breeding hazards have been detected and inform them about sewer breaks, standing water and other hazards.

By Editor

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