Ruotsalaislehti: Numerous serious accidents have occurred at the Northvolt factory before the mysterious deaths – Economy

There have been 26 serious accidents at Northvolt’s premises since 2019, says the Swedish Dagens Nyheter.

In Swedish Several accidents have occurred at the Northvolt battery factory in recent years, according to a Swedish newspaper Today’s News (DN) about the news.

At least 26 serious accidents have occurred at Northvolt’s facilities since 2019, DN says news agency TT by.

Last week, the Swedish police told, that it investigates three unexplained employee deaths and their possible connection. One of the cases happened in January, one in February and the most recent at the beginning of summer. The police suspect that the men have been exposed to some harmful substance at the Northvolt factory in Skellefteå.

At the end of last year, two employees died in two separate accidents at the factory, he said, among other things public broadcasting company SVT.

Prosecutor is investigating a November case in which a 25-year-old man was so badly burned in an explosion that he later died in hospital, Dagens Nyheter reports.

The staff had already been concerned about the possible start of a fire at the site and had demanded better protective equipment. However, according to Northvolt’s internal risk analysis, there was no explosion risk.

The prosecutor commented to DN that the man would not necessarily have died if he had had the right protective clothing: his clothes protected against chemicals, not fire.

DN has gone through the documents of the work environment agency, the police and the company, which show that the same type of work environment deficiencies were repeated, even though they had been paid attention to in previous inspections.

“There have been machines that have not stopped, even when you pressed the emergency stop. The roof has previously lacked sprinklers needed in case of fires,” the chief protection officer commented to DN, according to TT.

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