Donald Trump widens his lead in polls over Joe Biden to more than two percentage points

Former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) managed to extend his lead in the polls over the current president, Joe Bidenby more than two percentage points, a trend that has become more pronounced since their debate last Thursday.

According to an average of polls conducted by the website FiveThirtyEight, the Republican politician has 42% of voting intentions, compared to 39.8% for Biden. Trump had not recorded that same difference since March 5.

Since then, he had been in the lead until June 20, when the current White House incumbent surpassed him by 0.1 points.

There were then seven days left until the televised face-to-face on the CNN studios in Atlanta,in which Biden’s failed performance sparked a growing wave of voices calling for him to withdraw from the election campaign, questioning whether he is physically and mentally capable of doing so.

Between June 20 and 25, according to data collected by FiveThirtyEight,Biden managed to stay timidly ahead of the Republican politician, never being more than 0.3 percentage points ahead.

On the eve of the debate, Trump turned the situation around and has since been increasingly winning the eventual support of citizens ahead of the November 5 elections, with voting intentions that on July 1 were already 1.4 points above those of his adversary and on Wednesday reached 2.2.

Biden, meanwhile, insists that he has no intention of abandoning his candidacy.

By Editor

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