“Museums must be at the service of society”

The art historian speaks at the seminar ‘Museum, widespread museum, non-museum – When passion for history is an undertaking’, organized by Fnm in Milan.

“There is a fundamental expression when talking about a Museum, ‘at the service of society’, that is, also at the service of those people who do not go there. The Museum must question who it leaves out, any policy must try to involve the idea of ​​the community”. Words of Giovanna Brambilla, art historian, heritage education expert, responsible for territorial projects and audience development for the Regional Directorate of National Museums of Lombardywho spoke at the seminar ‘Museum, widespread museum, not museum – When passion for history is an enterprise’, organized by Fnm at the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo in Milan to create a moment of study and analysis capable of stimulating reflection on the current challenges of corporate culture and the role of companies in the growth of the local community. Investigating the role of companies in cultural processes was an important moment of analysis for the Group also in view of the future birth of the Transport Museum in Saronno. A hub that will act as a spokesperson for the historical bond between Fnm and the city, looking to the future of mobility, through permanent and temporary exhibitions, installations, immersive spaces, multimedia experiences, debates, shows and talks.

By Editor

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