The Premier League has figured out how to shorten VAR checks: ‘iPhone will speed things up by 30 seconds’

Introduction VAR-a football referees are relying on technology more than ever to assess difficult and complex situations on the pitch. Although it is still difficult for some football players and coaches to come to terms with the fact that VAR exists, it is undeniable that this technology is the present and the future of football.

And English Premier League is taking a step forward to improve its VAR technology. Namely, the English will equip their VAR equipment with as many as 28 iPhones in each stadium. The company GeniusIQ is behind this innovation, which it describes as a “futuristic method”. They claim that by using iPhone devices, which are specially modified for this role, they will shorten the duration of the VAR examination by 30 seconds.

Photo: Paul Childs/REUTERS

Cameras from iPhone devices capture up to 100 frames per second, and the Premier League plans to introduce this technology more. from the upcoming competitive season, which starts on Friday with the match between Manchester United and Fulham (9 p.m.).

The new technology is modeled on that of the NBA, and the Premier League will introduce it during the fall half-season.

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