Navalny’s Death, Russia: “Due to Mix of Diseases”. Widow: “He Was Killed”

Six months after the death of Alexei Navalnythe Russian Investigative Committee decrees that the Putin opponent’s death was due to a “combined disease” causing arrhythmia, not a criminal act.

The mix of factors was identified by the committee as “hypertension with vascular and organ damage, diffuse myocardiosclerosis, complicated by the development of cerebral edema, ventricular fibrillation, pulmonary edema,” the document, which was sent to the dissident’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya, reads.

“The document contains three pages of lies: Alexei’s killers mention absurd reasons for his death and thus try to cover their tracks,” Navalny’s team commented, while Yulia Navalnaya, in a YouTube video explaining that her husband was “killed in a Kharp prison,” demands that a criminal case be opened and that all medical documents and personal belongings be handed over to the family. The widow also emphasizes that a heart rhythm disorder cannot be determined posthumously and that her husband had never had any known heart problems during his life.

By Editor

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