5 ideas for healthy sandwiches
For breakfast, lunch or dinner – a sandwich can be an excellent option that contains all the nutrients. It is suitable for busy people, children and anyone who is not interested or does not have time to invest time in cooking.If you are looking for ideas for sandwiches that will provide your body with everything it needs – pay attention to the following ideas. Here are some diverse options that suit varying needs.

The quick sandwich

Wheat flour bun with white or cottage cheese up to 5% fat, slices of avocado and cucumber.

Nutritional benefits:

cheese – A source of high-quality protein, rich in calcium and contributes to a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

avocado – A great source of vegetable fat that contributes to heart health.

cucumber – Contains about 90% water and therefore contributes to preventing dehydration. In addition, helps to refresh the mouth.

The vegan sandwich

Two slices of whole wheat flour bread with tahini, beet slices and lettuce.

Nutritional benefits:

Bread from whole wheat flour – An excellent source of dietary fiber that contributes to a feeling of satiety and reduces the chance of colon cancer. In addition, whole wheat contains tryptophan – an amino acid that increases the level of serotonin production that positively affects mood.

Tahini – Rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

beet – source of vitamin C And iron from the plant, the vitamin C That the beets help absorb the iron from the tahini.

The comforting sandwich

Two slices of whole wheat flour with a natural peanut butter spread and a teaspoon of jam (yes, jam!).

Nutritional benefits:

Bread from whole wheat flour – Pay attention to the detail in the previous sandwich.

Natural peanut butter – The peanuts contain protein and monounsaturated fat that is good for heart health. In addition, this butter is rich in tryptophan which contributes to a feeling of calmness, better sleep and an uplifted mood.

jam – Provides energy available to the body and contains a few minerals (depending on the type of jam): iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

The sweet sandwich

Whole spelled flour pita with almond and silan spread/ raw tahini and honey.

Nutritional benefits:

Whole spelled – Contains a lower percentage of gluten (gliadin and glutenin) – a great solution for those who suffer from irritable bowel.

Almond spread or tahini – Rich in iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium which are important for muscle activity, bone building and nervous system activation.

honey – Has an anti-inflammatory effect and contains antioxidants that contribute to maintaining health.

Silan – A great source of available energy, rich in dietary fiber that moderates the rate of absorption of blood sugar and potassium, which is important for maintaining normal blood pressure levels and building strong bones.

incidentally, The combination between the sugar in silan or honey with the fat of raw tahini or almond spread will help break down sugar more slowly and make you feel full for a longer time.

The sandwich for carnivores

Two slices of rye bread with homemade hummus spread, homemade turkey pastrami, pickles and parsley.

Nutritional benefits:

rye breadHas a low glycemic index and is rich in dietary fibers that help balance blood sugar levels. Suitable for diabetics and anyone watching their weight.

Homemade hummus spread (which contains tahini) – Rich in iron, protein, calcium and an essential amino acid called tryptophan.

Homemade turkey pastramiRich in iron and low in fat and calories, an excellent source of protein.

Pickled cucumberContains good bacteria that help maintain the health of the digestive system.

Parsley – Rich in dietary fiber, potassium and magnesium.

Shir Alfie Zager, Senior Clinical Dietitian of the General Hospital in Dan District – Pet

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