VNVC vaccination system deployed pneumococcal vaccine 23 from August 28, this is the third type to prevent pneumococcal bacteria circulating in Vietnam.

The new vaccine, produced by MSD Group (USA), is currently used in nearly 50 countries such as the UK, France, the US, Spain, Singapore… Previously, Vietnam used pneumococcal vaccine 10 (Synflorix) and pneumococcal vaccine 13 (Prevenar 13), respectively to prevent 10 to 13 strains of pneumococcal bacteria.

Compared to the two old vaccines, Dr. Bach Thi Chinh, Medical Director of VNVC, said that pneumococcal type 23 helps prevent 11 more strains including 2, 8, 9N, 10A, 11A, 12F, 15B, 17F, 20, 22F, 33F. The new type will increase the ability to prevent disease, especially in high-risk groups such as young children, the elderly, people with underlying diseases, and those who have had Covid-19, causing reduced respiratory function…

Currently, this vaccine is used as a booster shot for people from two years old who have completed the 10 or 13 pneumococcal vaccination regimen. Each person needs one dose, repeated after 5 years if at high risk of pneumococcal disease or as prescribed by the treating physician.

According to Dr. Chinh, the pneumococcal vaccine 23 helps reduce the rate of invasive pneumococcal infection by 57-85%, depending on health status and underlying diseases. Specifically, after vaccination, the risk of pneumococcal infection in people with chronic lung disease is reduced by 65%, and in patients with coronary artery disease is reduced by 73%. In Vietnam, the product costs more than 1.4 million VND per dose.

People get vaccinated against pneumococcal 23 at VNVC Hoang Van Thu, Ho Chi Minh City, on the morning of August 28. Photo: Family

On the morning of August 28, thousands of people received the new vaccine at VNVC vaccination centers nationwide. Ms. Phan Thi Be, 65 years old, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, said the vaccine caused mild side effects such as itching at the injection site, but no fatigue. Meanwhile, 5-year-old Pham Ngoc Phuong Khanh, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City, was active after the injection and was instructed to continue monitoring at home.

Pneumococcus usually resides in the nose and throat of healthy people and does not cause disease. When the body’s immune system is weakened or sick, this bacteria takes the opportunity to invade and attack, causing meningitis, bacteremia, pneumonia with sepsis, sinusitis, otitis media…

High-risk groups for infection and complications include young children, people aged 65 and over, and people with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and chronic liver disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 1.6 million people died globally in 2021 from pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis caused by pneumococcus. MSD reported that in 2021, there were 9.8 million cases of disease related to this bacteria globally, 25% of which died despite proper treatment and use of antibiotics.

Previously, VNVC was the first unit to cooperate with the pharmaceutical company MSD to bring to Vietnam and deploy the injection of Gardasil 9 vaccine to prevent diseases caused by HPV, such as: genital warts, cancer in the cervix, throat, anus… In February, VNVC deployed the injection of a new generation vaccine to prevent meningitis caused by group B meningococcus.

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