Low testosterone levels, stress, erectile dysfunction, medication side effects, or chronic illness can cause men to have low libido.

According to Dr. Tra Anh Duy, Men’s Health Center, decreased sexual desire in men is defined as a condition that lasts for at least 6 months. In which, men experience a significant decrease or complete loss of interest and desire to engage in sexual activity. This can cause personal stress, affecting the relationship, psychology, health and quality of life of men.

The prevalence of decreased libido in men, that is, how common it is in the population, varies with age, health status, and other psychological and social factors.

Research shows that about 15-20% of adult men experience decreased libido at least once in their lives. The frequency increases with age. Men over 50 are at higher risk of experiencing this condition due to the natural decline in testosterone, as well as other health and psychological factors.

People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, depression, anxiety or prolonged stress are at high risk of decreased libido.

Doctor Duy examines a patient. Photo: Supply Center

Low sexual desire in men is a common problem and is caused by many factors. Here are some of the causes:

Low testosterone levels

Testosterone is the main hormone that affects male libido. Low testosterone levels lead to decreased libido, which can be due to age, medical conditions such as diabetes, or certain endocrine disorders.

Stress and anxiety

Psychological stress, anxiety, and depression all negatively affect sexual desire. Stress increases cortisol, a hormone that can inhibit testosterone production.

Erectile dysfunction

Men who have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection begin to avoid sexual activity, leading to a decrease in desire. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by heart disease, diabetes, or neurological problems.

Unhealthy lifestyle

Poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption contribute to low libido. These habits can affect blood circulation and general health, which in turn affects sexual function.

Side effects of the drug

Some medications, including antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and some antipsychotics, cause decreased libido as a side effect.

Relationship issues

Conflict or lack of commitment in a relationship can lead to decreased sexual interest. Poor communication and lack of understanding between partners can also be a cause.

Other health factors

Chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease affect blood circulation and nerve function, causing decreased libido. Mental illnesses such as depression can also have a similar effect.

Doctors recommend that these cases should see a urologist and sexual psychologist to determine the cause and find appropriate treatment.

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