Ben Gvir’s Statement on Temple Mount Synagogue Outrages Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s statement in support of building a synagogue on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

“We categorically reject this extremist and provocative statement, as well as other provocations against Muslims around the world. It is necessary to protect the historical and legal status of the al-Aqsa Mosque,” the statement said.

Let us recall: On August 26, in an interview with the Galei Tzahal radio station, Ben-Gvir also stated that if it were up to him, he would build a synagogue on the Temple Mount. “There should be equal rights for Jews and Muslims on the Temple Mount,” Ben-Gvir stated.

“There is no objective reason why Jews should be deprived of their freedom of worship on the Temple Mount,” the National Security Minister said.

By Editor

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