Athletics: Finnish men ahead of Sweden – Krista Tervo, who beat SE, shone as the star of the evening

Krista Tervo shone as Friday’s brightest Finnish star. Kristiina Mäkelä ended her great career.

Helsinki the olympic stadium experienced an evening of great emotions on Friday, when Finland and Sweden measured each other on the opening day of the traditional track and field match.

European Championship silver in 2022 defected Kristiina Mäkelä31, ended his long career. He finished second in the triple jump competition with a result of 13.75. Sweden jumped to victory Maja Lightning.

He also hung his sneakers on a nail Salla Sipponen. The 29-year-old discus thrower finished second with a result of 58.09.

He shone as the brightest Finnish star of the evening Krista Tervowho improved the Finnish shot put record for the third time this summer. After Friday evening, it will be recorded at 74.85.

Tervo told Yle that he was surprised by the record throw. He said he was tired after the Paris Olympics. Tervo’s season has been full of phases anyway.

“Our sport is so sensitive that if the technology disappears, it disappears. It’s hard to get it back in the middle of the race season. I could have imagined that I wouldn’t be able to get my technique right, but we had such a good run with my coach that I’ve proven that no matter how difficult it is, you can work your way up.”

Up to fifth in the Olympics Silja Kosonen instead, the race went smoothly. Raisiolainen finished third with a score of 68.80.

He still got the biggest applause of the evening Top Raitanen. The second season of the European champion has been difficult, but Raitanen got his run going in Helsinki. At the end, he ran away from the Swedes and recorded his best time of the season: 8:19, 50.

On the evening of the national match the most dramatic events were seen in the men’s 10,000 meters. Mustafa Moses fell 500 meters before the finish and lost the victory to Sweden Oliver Löfqvistille.

After the race, Muuse was hot. In his opinion, the fall was caused by Löfqvist.

“I think he really pushed, came a bit as if his hands and feet were involved”, Muuse recounted the situation after the race.

The audience at the Olympic Stadium booed Löfqvist, who won the race, but he was not upset about the situation.

“I felt like he was practically fighting himself by running in front of me. I’ve played hockey, so I know how to tackle, and I’m pretty sure this wasn’t a tackle,” Löfqvist said after the game.

The Finnish team management made a protest about the situation.

Friday after Finland leads the men’s match with points 108–97. In women, Sweden is ahead: 103.5–101.5.

In blue and white, Friday went great. Both Finnish women and men are ahead of their predictions.

The international match continues on Saturday at the Olympic Stadium.

By Editor

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