“Arrest Putin on September 3rd”, the message from Ukraine

“Arrest Vladimir Putin”. Ukraine Tries to Urge Arrest of Russian President by Asking Mongolia to snap the handcuffs on the wrists of the Kremlin leader, expected to visit the Asian country on September 3. Kiev is acting in compliance with the international arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court in March 2023: “Ukraine hopes that the Mongolian government is aware of the fact that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal,” the Kiev Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“We call on the Mongolian authorities to execute the binding international arrest warrant” against Putin, who is accused by the ICC of “illegal deportation” of Ukrainian children, the statement continued. On paper, having signed the Rome Statute and with an international arrest warrant issued by the ICC against Putin, Mongolia should arrest the Russian president as soon as he enters the country.

Hopes that Ulan Bator will heed the call? Less than zero. And the Kremlin, in fact, shows no concern about the trip scheduled for next week. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov made this clear, stressing that there is “an excellent dialogue with our friends from Mongolia.” On paper, having signed the Rome Statute and with an international arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against Putin, Mongolia should arrest the Russian president. Obviously, that will not happen. “All aspects of the visit have been carefully prepared,” Peskov replied to a question about the ICC.

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