Jakirović: I never doubted myself, and social networks should be avoided and not looked back

As part of the events related to the international athletics meeting in Zagreb, the second BHM conference was held on Saturday, during which two panels were held with eminent guests such as the state secretary for sports at the Ministry of Tourism and a celebrated water polo goalkeeper. Josip Pavićathe world record holder in javelin throwing Jana Železnog that is, the coach of Dinamo football players Sergey Jakirovića.

The first panelists discussed the topic “Sustainability and legacy of major sports events”.

– Financially unsustainable projects with too much construction, unsustainability of buildings, and those doomed to traffic collapses. We have a strategy for that, the basis of everything is the Law on Sports. While you’re an athlete, you don’t think about these things, it’s normal for you to have conditions. Sports expenses have been growing and growing, the awareness of athletes and their rights and possibilities is slowly changing – said Josip Pavi, and Jan Železny followed up on his words:

– The battle on this issue is everywhere, and there is very little money for sports. When I started a long time ago in Ostrava, it is incommensurable with what we have today. That is why today the organization must be much better in every segment. The conditions for athletes are much better, but the basis has not changed when it comes toč about the result, you have to want success. Sport is the answer to what we want from society, which is for it to be healthy. And sport brings a lot more than it gets. That is the biggest question in this topic. I am surprised that my record has not been broken yet… It is possible to live without sports, but it would be difficult.

“Continuous work is the way to progress”

Project managers Boris Hanžekovć memorial Natko Bosniak said in this regard:

– The Zagreb meeting is a sustainable meeting. Sustainability must include people, and we have 350 people in the organization. The focus is on people and investments in them, because without them we would never have reached this level. They built this rally. We lose a large part on infrastructure financing, and we want to change that part in the future.

A relevant interlocutor on this topic is Cousinž Fegušwho has been the president of the Athletics Federation of Slovenia for the last two years.

– Many elements and interests need to be combined. And to do it continuously in order to progress. I remember the words on that matter that Sebastian Coe said, in which discipline is the first word. – added Feguš.

The second panel discussion was on “Mental health and psychological preparation of athletes”. The guests were Dinamo coach Sergej Jakirovi, world and European long jump champion Ivana Španovi, the best Croatian athlete. Filip Mihaljević and professor of psychology Clear Radić Brajnov.

After winning the title of world champion Španović had to miss the Olympic Games in Paris due to a ruptured Achilles tendon.

– I like to rely on my knowledge and experience. It’s a team process, it’s a lot of things that you might think you can do alone. The rupture is proof that at one point last winter I didn’t listen to my team, and trusting the team is the most important thing. I wanted to be brave, but actually I wasn’t, but I tried everything I could. And I did that together with the team – explained Španovi, and Mihaljević added:

– Č a man questions himself the most in crises. The most important thing is to get things out of yourself and move on. I don’t have a psychologist, but when you work, you are your own best psychologist.

‘Social networks are to be avoided’

Sergej Jakirovć he doesn’t need a psychologist at the moment, his coaching career is at its peak.

– When it was difficult, I wanted and tried to remain myself, I wanted my hands free. I never doubted myself. I’m direct, the only thing ž I want is for him to playč yes maximum. Getting it out of everyone is not the same. Social networks are to be avoided, work is not a game, you don’t need to look back too much. look at yourself and your work – said Jakirović.

Rijeka and Dinamo met in the 5th round of SuperSport HNL |

Photo: Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

The conclusion of Professor Radić Brajnov:

– As much as he is an athlete, he is as much an athlete as a person, and working with a psychologist is only a plus in all of that. It usually happens that cooperation occurs when the athlete uses all his possibilities. He used to tell me that we should dance when it’s “burning”. And only through continuous work does the athlete gain security. A psychologist does not make decisions, that is a matter for athletes.

This was followed by a conversation with Kevin Young, Olympic winner, world champion and former world record holder in the 400m hurdles.

– I still have my sprinters from Barcelona. And I remember my preparation for it all the years before. I had my own rules. And I knew what I had to do to bring down Edwin Moses. I knew I could do it when I ran under 47 seconds in training with kicking in the ninth and tenth hurdles. Today, people like Warholm go under 46 seconds. Sydney McLaughlin is an inspiration to all comers, what she does is incredible, and Femke Bol is following in her footsteps. It’s fantastic – he’s fascinated by his Young heirs.

At the end of the Second BHM Conference, a lecture was given to the audience by Dylan Armstrong, coach of the Olympic hammer thrower Ethan Katzberg.

– I ended my career at one time in Zagreb. The hammer was a game in the beginning, and I became very good at the hammer, so I moved to bowling with coach Bondaruk. The similarities are the rotations, one turn for the ball, 3-4 for the hammer. Now I can see what mistakes I used to make. An athlete like Ethan needs maximum dedication. He was a basketball player, it took me five years to go from someone tall and fast to the goal. I knew it was – it. His training has its specificities, and he is very young at 22 years old. The hammer is my first love and we are approaching the world record. Basically, if you don’t have speed, you don’t have a chance – concluded Armstrong.

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