‘Books under the umbrella’, advice from Francois Morlupi

A “heartbreaking” and “bitter” noir and an unfinished book started by one writer and finished by another. François Morlupi, author of the ‘I Cinque di Monteverde’ series – a team of police officers made up of ordinary people who operate in the Roman neighborhood of the same name – offers as a reading suggestion for those who are ready to go on vacation “a book I read recently that I liked very much. It is written by the Spanish novelist Víctor del Árbol and is entitled ‘No one on this earth’ (Elliot). It is a poignant, bitter, very melancholic noir that has its roots in the past”, Morlupi tells AdnKronos.

A novel centered on a policeman who “returns to his Galicia to meet some friends after a long time, who have changed.” The peculiar fact is that these “friends strangely begin to die one after the other,” blaming the policeman for their end. “He is a very particular character. He was diagnosed with cancer, apparently irreparable, and was put out of service by the police because he beat up someone. When I spoke to the author, he confided that he was inspired a lot by Camus and existentialism. It is an atypical noir, but at the same time powerful, that deserves to be read,” says Morlupi.

The book that the writer now has in his hands “has little to do with noir. I’m a fan of Michael Crichton, the author of wonderful novels including ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’ and the screenplay for ‘ER'”. Crichton, who died in 2008, “has now been published by Longanesi ‘Eruption’. It’s an unfinished novel finished by James Patterson, another writer who has sold millions of copies.” The book is a story about a certain type of science fiction “that we can touch with our hands, with very valid theories,” concludes Morlupi.

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