Research: Young people and women laugh the most

Conscientious people often laugh, but it doesn’t always indicate cheerfulness.

The summary is made by artificial intelligence and checked by a human.

A person laughs on average 2.5 times a day.

Women and younger people laughed more than men and older people.

Satisfied and open personalities laughed more often than dissatisfied ones.

The frequency of laughter is related to an open and conscientious personality

Man laughs on average 2.5 times a day. A good fit of laughter takes over a person about every four days, says a new Austrian study.

Stefan Stieger Karl from Landsteiner University of Health Sciences and his colleagues studied how often people laugh and which characteristics influence the amount of laughter.

The 65 subjects who took part in the study wore a bracelet for four weeks, the button of which they had to press once while laughing, and twice after a laughing episode.

The study also included a smartphone group consisting of 75 participants, who kept a record of their laughter using the phone.

However, the data obtained from the telephone group was shelved, as it turned out that they did not always remember to record their laughter.

From the bracelet group found that women and younger participants laughed significantly more than men and older people.

Similarly, those who are more satisfied with their lives laugh more often than those who are dissatisfied.

The frequency of laughter was connected to an open and conscientious personality trait. Surprisingly, no connection was found between cheerfulness and laughter.

According to the researchers, this may be due to the fact that in certain situations laughter can also be a social norm. For example, a subordinate may laugh at the boss’s jokes out of obligation, even if the situation is not joyful.

The study also found that those who were afraid of being laughed at laughed less often than others.

Research appeared Frontiers in Psychology -tiedejulkaisussa.

Published in Tiede magazine 8/2024

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