JOURNEY Conference 10-Year Predictions: Mass Repatriation and a Female Prime Minister

At the annual JOURNEY conference, held by the major audit and consulting firm EY, a traditional panel discussion was held with forecasts for Israel’s development over the next 5 and 10 years.

The panelists include representatives of the Israeli high-tech ecosystem’s leadership, such as former 888 CEO and major investor Gigi Levy-Weiss, founder and director of the Disruptive venture fund Tal Barnoach, head of innovation at the Aviation Industries rocket technology department Inbal Kreiss, CEO of the Blackstone Israel Foundation Yifat Oron, and Meta Israel CEO Adi Sofer-Taani, Ice reports.

Levi-Weiss predicts an increase in the emigration of Israelis from the upper socioeconomic clusters in the medium term, which in the longer term will be offset by the repatriation of Jews from various diasporas, as well as the emergence of new forces in Israeli politics, such as the modern Orthodox.

Barnoach predicted the formation of a national unity government, normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia and the implementation of a coordinated legal reform in the medium term. In the long term, he expects the repatriation of half a million Jews to Israel and a global economic crisis with Wall Street shares falling by 50%.

Kreis expects a sharp increase in spending on defense technologies and an increase in investments by defense concerns in startups, and in the long term, a massive appearance of unmanned vehicles on the battlefield.

Yifat Oron also believes that in the next five years we will see the strengthening and expansion of the Abraham Accords, and in ten years Haifa and Abu Dhabi will be connected by trains, and Israel will have a woman prime minister.

Sofer-Taani believes that in five years, civil marriage will be possible in Israel, and entrepreneurs will actively move to work in the public sector. In ten years, she expects an Oscar to be awarded to a film written and created by artificial intelligence.

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