Strike at Panini against halving of smart working

New strike at Panini in Modena. After the strike on September 4, the workers of the global figurine production giant are once again crossing their arms. The Slc-Cgil and Fistel-Cisl unions, together with the RSU of Modena and Milan and the Cdr Giornalisti Milano, have proclaimed an eight-hour strike to protest against the reduction in smart working days, which the company wants to pass from two days to one a week, from 88 to 44 days in total per year.

A picket line is also planned in front of the company’s headquarters in Modena, from 8.30 to 12.30. After the demonstration at the beginning of the month, “which saw a 90% participation, with empty offices and 150 employees present at the picket – the unions explain -, the company has not made any contact with the workers’ representatives, so in this morning’s workers’ meeting it was decided to continue with the mobilization”. In particular – Slc-Cgil and Fistel-Cisl highlight – “the workers are asking to maintain the 44 guaranteed days per year” of smart working, and “the additional 44 additional annual days; restore the 44 annual days guaranteed to managers; make the agreement on agile working definitive and no longer experimental and confirm the evaluation of particular cases for extraordinary needs”.

By Editor

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