Argentina: The Government raised the age limit for receiving social benefits

The Government extended This Wednesday the Number of beneficiaries of the Food Card by raising from 14 to 17 yearss the age limit to receive the benefit. The decision was made official with the publication of the Resolution 636/2024 of the Ministry of Human Capital in the Official Gazette.

The measure, signed by the head of that portfolio, Sandra Pettovello modified the second paragraph of section 2) of the Operational Guidelines inherent to Component A – Food Security – Food Benefit, of the National Plan Against Hunger, printed in the Annex of Resolution 1549/2021 of the Ministry of Social Development, then led by Juan Zabaleta.

That document established that in order to grant the benefit, priority would be given to “those households with children and adolescents up to 14 years of age, pregnant women, mothers and fathers of children with disabilities, without age limit, and mothers with seven or more children.” Now this text extended the age range to 17which will mean that new beneficiaries will be added.

The Food Card was implemented in the summer of 2020, before the pandemic. It was aimed at families with children under six years of age. The initial condition for collecting it was receiving the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) or Pregnancy Allowance.

With the second wave of the pandemic, in May 2021, the Government of Alberto Fernández expanded coverage to the most vulnerable sectors and raised the age limit to 14 years, inclusive.

In the recitals of the Resolution of this Wednesday, the Ministry of Human Capital argued that the new modification aims to “Provide social benefits to a greater number of families in situations of social vulnerabilityin order to contribute to their food security in the context of the food and nutritional emergency that our country is experiencing.”

The Food Card, Aimed at the acquisition of all types of food, except alcoholic beveragesis a monetary benefit that is non-remunerative and is channeled through a monthly credit of funds to holders, as a supplement to family income.”

How much will the amounts of the Alimentan Card be that will be paid in October?

Resolution 636/2024 also made official the amounts that will be paid in October for the holders of the Food Card, although these values ​​had been announced a few days ago by ANSES.

The last adjustment of these values ​​was made in May 2024, when, through resolution 181/2024 published in the Official Gazette, an increase of 8.57% was applied.

  • People who receive the Pregnancy Allowance: $52,250
  • Families with a child up to 17 years old: $52,250
  • Families with two children up to 17 years old: $81,936
  • Families with three or more children up to 17 years old: $108,062

Who is eligible for the Food Card?

  • Those who receive the Universal Child Allowance with children up to 17 years of age inclusive.
  • Pregnant women from 3 months onwards who receive the Pregnancy Allowance for Social Protection.
  • People with disabled children who receive the Universal Child Allowance, without age limit.
  • Holders of a Non-Contributory Pension for a mother of 7 children.

How and when is the Food Card payment credited?

The Food Benefit is deposited in the same account and on the same date on which the benefit is collected.

You can check the payment date in the payment calendar or by logging into my ANSES in the Children > My Allowances section with CUIL and Social Security Code.

By Editor

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