Banco Nación will take La Pampa to the Supreme Court for doubling taxes on financial activity

Banco Nación will go to the Court of Justice against La Pampa for doubling taxes on financial activity

The entity chaired by Daniel Tillard decided to file a declaratory action of unconstitutionality against La Pampa before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for the province’s decision to increase the Gross Income Tax rate from 7% to 15.47%, which taxes financial activity.

The Government of La Pampa promulgated through Decree No. 3609 Provincial Law No. 3582, which establishes that As of 9/1/2024, the tax pressure on the loans disbursed by Banco Nación in that province will increase sharply.

In this context, the president of the BNA assured that “the possibility of moving forward with the closure of the La Pampa Zonal Management is being analyzed. We will consult with entities representing SMEs and productive sectors to maintain credit through other alternatives.”

Tillard stressed that “the promise of zero inflation promoted by the government of our President Javier Milei is accompanied by the expansion of credit for SMEs and families and for that purpose “It is essential to reduce the excessive tax incidence.”

This comes days after Economy Minister Luis Caputo announced that advertisements will no longer be able to include additional fees in the electricity bills received by residents.

So far, La Pampa is the only province that has increased the rates on financial activity. Official sources said that the measure taken by the bank is a “preventive” action“to prevent other districts from taking the same path as Governor Sergio Ziliotto.

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