Finland did well in the commission’s portfolio division, says EK’s Jyri Häkämies

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has given his proposal for the portfolio division of his future commission.

For the Finnish commissioner candidate Henna for Virkkus (kok) is up for the technology commissioner’s portfolio. Virkkus will also become one of the six vice-presidents of the Commission.

CEO of EK, Confederation of Finnish Business Jyri Häkämies says that Finland did well in portfolio allocation. Virkkunen got a heavy briefcase.

His areas of responsibility, technology and security, are vital for the future of Europe.

“There is a lot of anticipation for these. This is a very geopolitical, global portfolio,” says Häkämies.

In addition, Virkkunen is in a very central position as vice-chairman of the commission.

What is the benefit for Finland that the technology commissioner comes from Finland?

“We are drawing growth from Europe. If Europe does poorly and lags behind in the competition, it is unlikely that Finnish business life would do very well then.”

According to Häkämie, it seems that von der Leyen has built the commission so that it would form a team, and not be “a bunch of cockfighters or power players”.

“Henna Virkkunen fits this well, she is a constructive, strong, competent force.”

One big theme in the EU recently has been whether to build competitiveness with state subsidies or market conditions. Is Finland now in a good position to influence this discussion?

“That’s what I believe. State aid competition is almost always aimed at technology and especially new technology, for example hydrogen, batteries, green steel,” says Häkämies.

He believes that one change in the line of the future commission is that now the focus will be even more on reducing regulation. The threshold for adopting a new regulation is high.

Finance Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis is responsible for implementing and simplifying the regulation.

“The message of reducing regulation comes strongly from the European business community, and that was also on display Mario Draghin in the report”, says Häkämies.

Safety is now widely featured in the Commission’s program and responsibilities. The commission has a defense commissioner and a preparedness commissioner, and in addition to this, Virkkunen is responsible for security.

“Without security, there is no economy, and vice versa,” sums up Häkämies.

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