STOCK EXCHANGE: The rise accelerates in Helsinki – Profit warning weighs on Siili’s course

In the afternoon, the OMXH general index of the Helsinki Stock Exchange was up 0.8 percent at 9,938 points. The rise had clearly accelerated from the opening’s 0.4 percent rise.

All but the most traded stocks Kone (-0.3%) were on the rise. It was at the top of the list Sambo up 0.2 percent. Among the most changed, the fastest growing speed was the machine shop Roots (+2.4%), telecom operator Telia (+2.1%) and the banking giant Nordea (+2,0 %).

At the top of the stock market decline was the IT service company that issued a profit warning Hedgehog Solutions (-5.8%). The company estimates that the turnover in 2024 will fall in the range of 106–116 million euros and the adjusted ebita result at 4.5–6.5 million euros. The previous guidance expected a turnover of 120–140 million euros and an ebita income of 7.5–10.5 million euros. The background was, among other things, customers’ slow decision-making and public sector austerity measures.

Also a marketing services company Rebl Group issued a result warning. According to the new guidelines, the turnover of the group’s continuing operations is expected to remain at last year’s level, and the operating result is estimated to improve from the level of 2023. Previous guidance predicts that both turnover and operating profit will improve. The sales of digital services and visibility business have pulled in weaker than the company’s expectations. Rebl Group shares had not been traded on the stock exchange by afternoon.

Started on the stock exchange a week ago Solar Foods continued after yesterday’s sharp fall in a 4.9 percent slide on Tuesday. The rate of EUR 8.70 is now barely above the EUR 8.50 level of the previous financing rounds.

Today, carbon nanotube technology Canate took Lifeline Spac I:n after the merger of the stock exchange took place. In the afternoon, Canatu’s course was at the same level as yesterday’s closing level of 13.00 euros, with a turnover of around 440,000 euros.

Wall Street’s stock index futures were up about half a percent in the afternoon, anticipating a green opening for US stock markets.

By Editor

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